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美国为杀戮开绿灯” 加沙被推到更危险境地

















"Gaza has become a death zone," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a press conference on the 21st, as inhumane health conditions and humanitarian crises continue to worsen. "What kind of world are we living in when people can't get food and water, can't even walk, and can't receive care?"

Due to severe restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid, the food shortage in northern Gaza has reached a critical condition. According to a statement by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) on the 21st, more than half of the aid provided to the northern Gaza Strip has been obstructed by the Israeli side since the beginning of this year until February 12. The Palestine Red Crescent Society also said that about 400,000 people in northern Gaza are facing the threat of hunger.

Vanessa Frazier, the Permanent Representative of Malta to the United Nations, said that the deteriorating humanitarian situation and the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip are extremely disturbing and require urgent solutions. Médecins Sans Frontières pointed out that a ceasefire is the only way to ensure assistance to those who need it most.

"Two-state solution" is the only way out

For over 100 days, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has escalated, resulting in nearly 30,000 civilians killed and about 1.9 million people displaced. Today, if the Gaza conflict persists, it will cause an even more severe humanitarian disaster.

The root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in the Palestinians' inability to realize their dream of statehood, and generations have been displaced and unable to return to their homeland. The international community generally believes that the "two-state solution" is the only way to solve the Palestinian issue.

Lebanese political analyst Yusuf Diab pointed out that the solution to this conflict is to allow the Palestinians the right to live with dignity in their own country.



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